Contact Us


Before reaching out, please review these answers to our most common questions:

  • If an animal appears on our adoption pages, we are still accepting applications for them. However, another application may be ahead of yours. You will be notified of your position in line for the animal upon submission of your application.

    If an animal no longer appears on our adoption pages, they are no longer available.

  • We love our volunteers! Please learn more about volunteering and submit an application here.

  • We are not legally able to accept stray animals and we do not have the resources to offer field services for capturing stray animals. Please reach out to your local animal control for assistance.

  • We are unable to accept surrenders at this time. However, depending on space and available resources, we may be able to make exceptions for CSHS-adopted animals. If your animal was adopted from CSHS and you are looking to surrender, please reach out to us.

  • We do not offer medical assistance to owned animals. Please reach out to a local veterinarian or emergency vet.

  • Because we do not hold stray animals, we likely do not have your animal. You are welcome to bring a lost pet sign to post at our facility.

  • We do not offer field services and are unable to assist in wildlife removal. Please contact your local animal control or a wildlife control service.

  • You can find a list of what we do and do not accept as donations here.

    Donations can be dropped off during our open hours. Small items and unopened bags of food can be dropped off outside these hours using our donation bin at our side door.

Get in touch

(952) 368-3553

Our voicemail and email are not monitored 24/7 and it may take 24-72 hours to receive a response. They are not intended for emergencies. If you are experiencing an emergency with a CSHS foster animal, please follow emergency protocol. If you are experiencing an emergency for a pet, please contact your nearest emergency vet.


Please send your comments or concerns using the form below.